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Nanna Bottos (DK)

Presented by DUP

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Nanna Bottos recently released her debut EP ‘Falling In Love With The World’, about falling back in love with the world after it has broken your heart. The songs all revolve around broken relationships and betrayal. 

Soft synths, sharp guitar figures and acoustic drums carry Nanna’s warm vocals and support melodies that have clearly been written at the piano or the guitar. In addition to writing songs for her own project, Nanna writes songs for other danish and international artists and has recently received gold, platinum and #1 for her work with a number of popular South Korean K-pop artists. 

Nannas debut as a solo artist happens after many years as a member of several musical constellations, including the band Ida Red, with whom she released the hit ‘Wildflower’ in 2018. 

Nanna Bottos har for nyligt udgivet sin solo debut EP ‘Falling In Love With The World’, der handler om at gen-forelske sig i en verden, der har knust ens hjerte. Sangene handler alle om brudte forhold og forræderi. 

Bløde synthesizers, skarpe guitarfigurer og akustiske trommer bærer Nannas varme vokal og understøtter melodier, som man kan mærke er skrevet bag klaveret eller guitaren. Udover at hun skriver sange til sit eget projekt skriver Nanna også sange til andre danske og internationale artister og har for nyligt modtaget guld, platin og #1 for hendes arbejde med en række store sydkoreanske K-pop artister. 

Nannas debut som solo-artist kommer i kølvandet på mange år som medlem af adskillige musikalske konstellationer, inklusiv bandet Ida Red som hun udgav hittet ‘Wildflower’ sammen med i 2018.  

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