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Presented by Way Up North

Listen to EMIL’s music
Aarhus Congress Center, Green Stage Get direction

Strap on your helmet! Or take it off? when EMIL lets you into a universe of burnout, frustration and resignation. There’s no time to waste, when all the idiots need to be told what absolute assholes they are, and it will be sentimental when EMIL finds that he might be the asshole after all. EMIL wraps punk energy and gutter poetry in pop music and calls it indulgence pop. Music you can unplug your brain and dance to, while also reckoning with your feelings.

At the moment, EMIL is finishing up his debut EP in collaboration with Peter Kjædegaard (The Minds of 99, Nephew) which will be released in september 2024.

Join us for a therapy session with EMIL, where it’s the bum and not the social worker setting the order of the day.

Spænd hjelmen! eller tag den helt af? når EMIL lukker dig ind i et univers af afbrændthed, indebrændthed og affundethed. Det går stærkt, når alle idioterne skal have at vide, at de er nogle skiderikker, og det bliver ømt når EMIL finder ud af, at det nok er ham, der er skiderikken. EMIL pakker punkenergi og rendestenspoesi ind i popmusik, og kalder det for aflads-pop. Musik du både kan slå hjernen fra og danse til, men også samle følelserne om og forholde dig til.

EMIL er i gang med at færdiggøre sin debut EP, i samarbejde med Peter Kjædegaard (The Minds of 99, Nephew), som udkommer til september 2024.

Tag med til terapisession hos EMIL, hvor det er bumsen og ikke socialrådgiveren der sætter dagsordenen.

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