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Synne Sanden (NO)

Presented by Roots&Hybrid

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Synne Sanden is a Norwegian, experimental pop artist with 5 solo albums and two EPs behind her. The artist is inspired by Björk and Thom Yorke, but most of all her emotional spectrum. She has toured in Italy, Canada and Norway and has collaborated with big Norwegian names such as Thomas Dybdahl and Bugge Wesseltoft. At SPOT she brings her unique band and visual world to impress the audience.

Synne Sanden er en norsk, eksperimenterende popartist med fem soloalbums og to EP'er bag sig. Synne Sanden er inspireret af Björk og Thom Yorke, men mest af alt sit eget følelsesmæssige spektrum. Hun har turneret i Italien, Canada og Norge og har samarbejdet med store norske navne som Thomas Dybdahl og Bugge Wesseltoft. På SPOT kommer hun med sit unikke band og visuelle verden for at imponere publikum. 

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