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Omar (DK)

Aarhus Congress Center, Pink Stage Get direction

Omar has had an extraordinary musical journey.At the age of 9-10, he released songs on YouTube and gained local fame under the name Omar Nr1Bandit. It was clear early on that he would continue making music. In 2017, he released his first single under the name Omar and quickly gained popularity due to his unique vocals and minimalist UK productions. In a time dominated by gritty street rap in the Danish urban scene, Omar stood out as a breath of fresh air. Stories of rising from the bottom sounded more adventurous and less dangerous in Omar's unique packaging.

After more than 15 singles and an EP, Omar took a short break from music to rediscover himself. When he returned from his self-imposed hiatus, the productions were more significant and the sound more pop-oriented. He found a new look and sound that was both authentic and forward-looking. At the same time, his ambitions with music grew bigger. It's no longer enough for Omar to demonstrate that he can create music that streams well. Omar wants to prove that his music is ready for the live stage.  It's a side of Omar that people haven't seen yet. He is finally ready to unfold and tell his entire story.

Omar har haft en usædvanlig musikalsk rejse. Allerede som 9-10-årig udgav han sange på YouTube og blev kendt i lokalområdet under navnet Omar Nr1Bandit. Det lå derfor tidligt i kortene, at han ville fortsætte med at lave musik. I 2017 udgav han sin første single under navnet Omar og blev hurtigt populær grundet sin unikke vokal og minimalistiske UK-produktioner. I en tid hvor hård gaderap dominerede den danske urbanscene, stod Omar ud som et friskt pust. Historierne om at komme fra bunden lyder mere eventyrlige og mindre farlige, når de kommer i Omars unikke indpakning. 

Efter mere end 15 singler og en EP tog Omar en kort pause fra musikken for at genfinde sig selv. Nu er han tilbage fra sin selvvalgte pause med større produktioner og en lyd, der er mere poppet. Omar har fundet et nyt look og en ny lyd, der både er troværdigt og fremadskuende. Samtidig er ambitionerne blevet større. Det er ikke længere nok for Omar at vise, at han kan lave musik, der streamer - han vil også bevise, at han fungerer live.  2024 bliver året, hvor Omar for alvor træder ind på livescenen og møder publikum. Det er en side af Omar, folk endnu ikke har set. Han er klar til at slå sine folder ud og fortælle hele sin historie.

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