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Mazivila (DK)

Presented by Rock The Region

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Kammermusiksalen, Musikhuset Get direction

The name behind Mazivila is Steffen Mazivila. He is a Danish/Mozambican singer, songwriter, and producer. He attended MGK in Holstebro and was born and raised in Randers. Steffen has experimented with music throughout most of his life through dance, poetry, musicals, rap, and singing. In 2017, he was named "Ugens Kanon" (the week's cannon) on DR's Karrierekanonen with the song "Sådan her?" ("Like This?"). Life happened and Mazivila had to start over from scratch. Now he performs with his self-written and produced songs, offering a sound that blends pop, EDM, world music, soul, and hip-hop. Come and experience a concert where the music soars in the skies and touches down to earth with delicious grooves and moving lyrics when Mazivila takes the stage.

Navnet bag Mazivila er Steffen Mazivila. Han er dansk/mozambiqueansk sanger, sangskriver og producer. Han går på MGK i Holstebro og er født og opvokset i Randers. Steffen har det meste i sit liv prøvet kræfter af med musikken gennem dans, digte, musicals, rap og sang. I 2017 blev han Ugens Kanon på DR’s Karrierekanonen med sangen “Sådan her?”. Der var nogle ting, der gjorde at han måtte trække stikket og starte forfra. Nu spiller han med sine selvskrevne og producerede sange, hvor man får en lyd af pop, edm, world music, soul og hip hop. Kom og oplev en koncert, hvor musikken holder sig oppe i skyerne og nede på jorden med lækre grooves og bevægende tekster, når Mazivila indtræder scenen.

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