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Embla and the Karidotters (NO)

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Embla and the Karidotters is a project by former Razika drummer Embla Karidotter. After the successful Norwegian indie band went on hiatus, Embla gathered her "Karidotters" from talented bands like Honningbarna, Sløtface, Slomosa, and Aiming for Enrike. They quickly began playing concerts and recording music.

The renowned producer Matias Tellez was behind the band's first two releases, but on their latest album, ‘Off Leash’, they did everything themselves, with multi-instrumentalist Simen Følstad Nilsen producing and mixing the album.

The band's second album continues their “honky tonk noir” sound, with references to Ennio Morricone, Nancy Sinatra, and David Lynch films, featuring lyrics that are humorous, self-deprecating, and melancholic. Karidotter describes the release as having a detached relationship with country, in the sense that they don’t worry about what is right or wrong within the genre, while still drawing inspiration from classic country rock of the 1950s and 1960s.

Embla and the Karidotters er et projekt fra den tidligere Razika-trommeslager Embla Karidotter. Efter det succesrige norske indieband blev sat på pause, samlede Embla sine “Karidotters” fra talentfulde bands som Honningbarna, Sløftface, Slomosa og Aiming for Enrike. De begyndte hurtigt at spille koncerter og indspille musik.

Den berømte producer Matias Tellez stod bag bandets to første udgivelser, men på deres nyeste album ‘Off Leash’ har de gjort alting selv, med multiinstrumentalisten Simen Følstad Nilsen som producerer og mixer på albummet. 

Bandets andet album fortsætter deres “honky tonk noir”-lyd med referencer til Ennio Morricone, Nancy Sinatra og David Lynch-film, hvor teksterne er humoristiske, selvudslettende og melankolske. Karidotter beskriver udgivelsen med en distance til country i den forstand, at de ikke bekymrer sig om, hvad der er rigtigt eller forkert inden for genren, men samtidig henter de inspiration fra klassisk country-rock fra 1950'erne og 60’erne.

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