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Dork (DK)


Dork is the musical alias of songwriter and musician Lærke Simoni. For Simoni, music serves both as escapism and a form of therapy in a life marked by overthinking and feelings of alienation. Dork plays the anti-hero as she sings about ghosting and lying about it on her debut EP, ‘I’m not a good person.’ A 4-track EP that explores the darker sides of the self.

On the debut EP, groovy guitar-based indie rock is combined with dream pop and bittersweet garage rock. The lyrics paint a picture of a lazy, antisocial, and self-ironic protagonist in a feel-bad indie universe. There’s a balance between sarcasm and melancholy in nonchalant and charming songs about personal inadequacy.

The first single, ‘Legs,’ has been well-received on the Danish music scene, with airtime on the radio station P6 BEAT and coverage in the cultural magazine Soundvenue which described the song as "a charming, scrappy dose of indie rock with snarky deadpan humor à la Rhian Teasdale from Wet Leg."

Look forward to an intimate and dynamic live experience as Dork invites you into her melancholic world.

Dork er det musikalske alias for sangskriver og musiker Lærke Simoni. For Simoni fungerer musikken både som eskapisme og som en form for terapi i et liv præget af overtænkning og følelser af fremmedhed. Dork leger anti-hero, når hun synger om ghosting og at lyve omkring det, på debut-EP’en ‘I’m not a good person.’; En 4-track EP, som udforsker de grimme sider af jeg’et.

På debut EP’en kombineres groovy guitar-baseret indierock med dreampop og bittersød garagerock. Teksterne tegner et billede af en doven, asocial og selvironisk hovedperson i feel-bad-indie universet. Der balanceres mellem spydighed og sørgmodighed i nonchalante og charmerende sange om sin egen utilstrækkelighed.

Førstesinglen ‘Legs’ har fået en varm modtagelse på den danske musikscene med rotation på P6-BEAT og omtale i kulturmagasinet Soundvenue. Soundvenue, der beskrev sangen som “en charmerende, skramlet omgang indierock med spydig deadpan-humor a la Rhian Teasdale fra Wet Leg.”

Glæd dig et til en intim og dynamisk oplevelse, når Dork inviterer ind i sin melankolske verden.

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