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Nusantara Beat (NL)

Presented by Roots&Hybrid

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Nusantara Beat's commitment to honoring the traditions of their Indonesian roots and cultural heritage is only part of their mission. The six-man band from Amsterdam strives to showcase the immense diversity of Indonesian music and propel it into the future. By adding their own innovative twists to the mix, they celebrate the traditional sounds while introducing a fresh and modern perspective.

Nusantara Beats forpligter sig til at ære traditionerne fra deres indonesiske rødder og den kulturelle arv er kun en del af deres mission. Det seks mand store band fra Amsterdam bestræber sig på at fremvise den enorme mangfoldighed af indonesisk musik og føre den ind i fremtiden. Ved at tilføje deres egne innovative twists til mixet, hylder de de traditionelle lyde, mens de introducerer et friskt og moderne perspektiv.

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