Sylfide unfolds the contrasts between folk tradition and experimental songwriting, allowing space for both mystique, wildness, and fragility. Alone on stage, armed only with the harp and a stack of pedals, the past is both mirrored and distorted through electro-acoustic effects, grainy reel sounds, and minimalist beats.
Sylfide (DK)
Presented by Årets Helge 2023
Volume Village
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Sylfide udfolder kontrasterne mellem folketradition og eksperimenterende sangskrivning, når hun giver plads til både mystik, vildskab og skrøbelighed. Alene på scenen, kun bevæbnet med harpen og en bunke pedaler, både spejles og forvrænges fortiden gennem elektroakustiske effekter, grynede reallyde og minimalistiske beats.
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