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Frequens (DK)

Presented by The Royal Academy of Music

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Klubscenen, Musikhuset Get direction

Frequens is an Aarhus-based instrumental funk/fusion band, with several members having played together for more than a decade. Frequens guarantees good vibes and a complete musical experience. They make the point that music should be felt both in the body and in the mind, so it doesn't become too navel-gazingly introverted. The music flows freely from the four-member strong lineup, and they hope to convey the joy of playing. The music is both groovy, beautiful, heartfelt, and a pure energy release.

Presented by The Royal Academy of Music

Frequens er et Århus-baseret instrumentalt, funk/fusionsband, hvoraf flere af medlemmerne har spillet sammen i mere end et årti. Frequens garanterer godt humør og en komplet musikalsk oplevelse. De gør en dyd ud af, at det skal kunne mærkes både i kroppen og i hjernen, og at det ikke bliver for navlepillende introvert. Musikken flyder frit fra det 4 mand stærke lineup, og de håber at kunne videregive glæden ved at spille. Musikken er både groovy, smuk, inderlig og en ren energiudladning.

Præsenteres af Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium

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