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Øyunn (DK)

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Drummer, singer, and rapper Øyunn leaves a lasting impression on her audience with her dynamic grooves, expressive vocals, and personal lyrics about relationships, hope, inner unrest, belonging, and identity.

In November 2023, she released her debut concept album ‘Aspects’ on the Danish label Midnight Confessions. Recorded live at the Munch Museum in Oslo, it was originally a multidisciplinary work combining film, performance, and concert. Since then, Øyunn has been honored with Tivoli's Jazz Award as ‘Breakthrough Artist of the Year’ and she also won the ‘New Jazz Artist of the Year 2024’ award at the Danish Music Awards.

Øyunn has performed and collaborated with artists such as Nils Frahm, Efterklang, and Guldimund, and has composed music for productions at the Royal Danish Theatre, as well as the National Theatre and Dansens Hus in Norway. As a solo artist, she brings this diverse background into her music with authenticity, catchy hooks, and experimental transitions. Her music is engaging and relatable, marked by an open and distinctive sound performed with exceptional musical prowess.

When Øyunn performs live she is joined by a band that includes bass, synth, backing vocals, and live processing. Her performance is dynamic, blending hard-hitting intensity with raw vulnerability, introspection with power, delivered in an unfiltered and captivating experience.

Trommeslager, sanger og rapper Øyunn brænder sig fast hos sit publikum med sine dynamiske grooves, ekspressive vokal og personlige tekster om relationer, ha°b, indre uro, tilhørighed og identitet. 

I november 2023 udgav hun debut- og konceptalbummet ‘Aspects’ pa° det danske label Midnight Confessions. Det er indspillet live pa° Munchmuseet i Oslo og var oprindeligt et multikunstnerisk værk med film, performance og koncert. Øyunn er sidenhen blevet hædret med Tivolis Jazzpris, ligesom hun vandt prisen som ’A°rets Nye Jazznavn 2024’ ved Danish Music Awards.

Øyunn har spillet og samarbejdet med artister som Nils Frahm, Efterklang og Guldimund, og skrevet musik til forestillinger ved Det Kongelige Teater, samt Nasjonaltheatret og Dansens Hus i Norge. Som soloartist tager hun den alsidige baggrund med ind i sin musik med autenticitet, fængende hooks, og eksperimentelle overgange. Det er engagerende og relaterbart med en a°ben og markant lyd og spillet med stort musikalsk overskud.

Når Øyunn spiller live har hun et band med bas, synth, kor og live-processering. Det er dynamisk og ba°de ha°rdtsla°ende og hudløst, introspektivt og kraftfuldt i en ufiltreret performance.

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