The seminar “Let’s Talk Streaming” offers insightful perspectives for the curious audience. Spotify, Apple, and Deezer are introducing new economic streaming models – but what are the consequences for artists and rights holders? Frederik Juul, PhD at Sorbonne University, shares his knowledge in the presentation Expectation Meets Reality – Evaluating the financial impact and ‘artist-centricity’ of new payment systems on streaming platforms. Once again, streaming expert Chris Cooke visits us at SPOT+ – this time looking back on the first release of the report ‘Dissecting The Digital Dollar’ from 2015. What problems have been solved since then, and which ones remain unresolved? Learn more in the keynote Dissecting The Digital Dollar: What’s changed?

In the following presentation Music in the post-streaming era, Hanna Kahler from MIDiA Research introduces us to the future of music business platforms where uniqueness and authenticity are highly valued and streaming takes a back seat. The panel discussion The New pay-out models – what are the consequences for you as an artist and as a songwriter? addresses the distribution of streaming revenue. The seminar concludes with The great streaming swindle! That’s how much money is swindled every year in the music industry – a panel shedding light on fraud methods in streaming based on current cases from home and abroad, including the ongoing case in Aarhus.

Seminaret Let’s Talk Streaming byder på indsigtsfulde perspektiver for de videbegærlige tilhørere. Spotify, Apple og Deezer indfører nye økonomiske streaming-modeller – men hvilke konsekvenser får det for kunstnere og rettighedshavere? Frederik Juul, PhD ved Sorbonne Universitet, deler ud af sin viden i præsentationen Expectation Meets Reality – Evaluating the financial impact and “artist-centricity” of new payment systems on streaming platforms. Igen i år gæster streamingeksperten Chris Cooke SPOT+ – denne gang med et kig tilbage på den første udgivelse af rapporten ‘Dissecting The Digital Dollar’ fra 2015 – Hvilke problemer er blevet løst siden dengang, og hvilke står stadig uløste? Hør mere i keynoten Dissecting The Digital Dollar: What’s changed?

I oplægget Music in the post-streaming era indvier Hanna Kahler fra MIDiA Research os i fremtidens musikbusiness-platforme, hvor det unikke og autentiske er i høj kurs, og streaming træder i baggrunden. Paneldebatten The New pay-out models – what are the consequences for you as an artist and as a songwriter? tager fat i diskussionen om fordelingen af streamingindtægter. Seminaret rundes af med The great streaming swindle! That’s how much money is swindled every year in the music industry – et panel, der kaster lys over svindelmetoder inden for streaming med udgangspunkt i aktuelle sager fra indland, udland og den igangværende sag i Aarhus.