Folk Spot Denmark is a project created to give folk musicians and industry professionals the opportunity to talk together and create new contacts and collaborations. This year’s edition was no exception, and delegates from near and far made the trip to Tønder to experience Tønder Festival and the selected orchestras for Folk Spot Denmark 2023.
We have spoken to some of the delegates to get a little insight into their work with folk music elsewhere in the world, and their experience with Folk Spot Denmark.
Name: Jarmila Vlčková
Company: NGO AMITY
Title: World Music Festival Bratislava
Based in: Bratislava, Slovakia
What was your purpose for participating at Folk Spot 2023?
To see the showcase of Danish bands
What trends and tendencies do you see in folk music right now?
The combination of folk music with modern elements.
What is your impression of the Danish folk scene versus folk music in Slovakia? (Differences and similarities)
According to what I was experiencing at Folk Spot, the Danish folk scene is influenced by Danish folk dances very much.
The Slovak folk music tradition has sources such – e.g. shepherd songs and tradition, Multipart singing from Horehron, Goral and Terchova tradition in the North of Slovakia, Ruthenian tradition in the Northern-East, Hungarian and Roma in the South, and many regional folk music with different instrumentation and dances as well. I think that the young generation’s attitude towards folk music is the same – respect and original approach.
Did you make some new contacts relevant for your future work?
Yes, thank you.
Which were the best musical experiences during Folk Spot Denmark and Tønder Festival?
For me the most original were Høst and AZUR AZUR
Folk Spot Denmark er et projekt skabt for at give folkemusikere og branchefolk mulighed for at networke og skabe nye kontakter og samarbejder. Årets udgave var ingen undtagelse, og delegerede fra nær og fjern tog turen til Tønder for at opleve Tønder Festival og de udvalgte orkestre til Folk Spot Denmark 2023.
Vi har talt med nogle af de delegerede for at få et lille indblik i deres arbejde med folkemusik andre steder i verden, og deres erfaring med Folk Spot Denmark.
Navn: Jarmila Vlčková
Titel: World Music Festival Bratislava
Land: Bratislava, Slovakiet
Hvad var dit formål med at deltage på Folk Spot 2023?
For at se fremvisningen af danske bands
Hvilke tendenser ser du i folkemusik lige nu?
Kombinationen af folkemusik med moderne elementer.
Hvad er dit indtryk af den danske folkescene kontra folkemusik i Slovakiet? (Forskelle og ligheder)
Efter hvad jeg oplevede på Folk Spot, er den danske folkescene præget af danske folkedanser. Den slovakiske folkemusik tradition har kilder som f.eks. hyrdesange og -traditioner, flerstemmig sang fra Horehron-, Goral- og Terchova-traditionen i det nordlige Slovakiet, Ruthensk tradition i det nordøstlige, ungarske og romaer i syd, og også mange regional folkemusik med forskellige instrumenter og danse. Jeg tror, at de unge generationers holdning til folkemusik er den samme – respekt og original tilgang.
Fik du nogle nye kontakter, der er relevante for dit fremtidige arbejde?
Ja tak.
Hvilke var de bedste musikalske oplevelser under Folk Spot Denmark og Tønder Festival?
For mig var de mest originale Høst og AZUR AZUR