This year at SPOT+, you have the opportunity to delve into some carefully selected topics and gain access to special tools within the music industry. So, if you work with sync, are a concert organizer or work at a venue – or if you would like to optimize your YouTube channel, then have a look at the opportunities below here


The Europe in Synch Academy Workshop: Music in Advertising
Friday May 3rd at Radisson 10:00 – 16:00 
A day-long session brings together professionals from the Music Side and the Danish advertising sector to learn about the respective “other side”. Advertising Experts will present insights to their work. The workshop shall enable the participants to truly understand all aspects of the process of how music gets into the picture. Target group: For music business and advertising professionals. Synch-experience and active participation required. The Europe in Synch Academy must reserve the right to select from applications.


This workshop will be in English.


Manage Your Events With Confidence – presented by Crescat
Saturday May 4th at Radisson 13:00 – 14:00
This workshop is a must-attend for live event organizers, venues, and festivals seeking to streamline their event productions. Crescat, the go-to planning software for the Nordics’ top venues and festivals, is more than just software; it’s your all-in-one solution for seamless event management.

Target group: Live event organizers, venues and festivals seeking to streamline their event productions.


This workshop will be in English.


Best Practice & Channel Growth on You Tube – masterclass by Amin Ogasa, presented by Danmark Music Group
Saturday May 4th at Radisson 15:00 – 16:00

Application not necessary. More information will come.
This workshop will be in English.



På SPOT+ får du i år mulighed for at dykke ned i nogle udvalgte emner og få adgang til særlige værktøjer inden for musikbranchen. Så arbejder du med sync, er koncertarrangør eller venue – eller vil du gerne optimere din YouTube-kanal, så tjek mulighederne herunder

The Europe in Synch Academy Workshop: Music in Advertising
Fredag d. 3. maj på Radisson 10:00 – 16:00

Europa i Synch er tilbage på SPOT+. Endnu engang kan vi se frem til en heldags-session, hvor fagfolk fra musikbranchen og den danske reklamesektor bringes sammen for at lære om den respektive “anden side”. Blandt andet vil reklameeksperterne give et grundigt indblik i deres arbejde. Workshoppen skal gøre deltagerne i stand til virkelig at forstå alle aspekter af processen, hvor musik kommer ind i billedet.


Workshoppen foregår på engelsk.

 Manage Your Events With Confidence – presented by Crescat
Lørdag d. 4. maj på Radisson 13:00 – 14:00 

Denne workshop er et must for venues, festivaler og andre arrangører af live-events, der søger at optimere deres eventproduktioner. Crescat, den foretrukne planlægningssoftware for de bedste venues og festivaler i Norden, er mere end bare software – det er din alt-i-en løsning til problemfri eventstyring.

Målgruppe: Arrangører af live-events, venues og festivaler, der søger at optimere deres eventproduktioner.


Workshoppen foregår på engelsk.


Best Practice & Channel Growth on You Tube – masterclass by Amin Ogasa, presented by Danmark Music Group
Lørdag d. 4. maj på Radisson 15:00 – 16:00

Tilmelding er ikke nødvendig. Mere info kommer snart.
Workshoppen foregår på engelsk.