We’re already working hard on curating the best possible program for SPOT+ 2024, and we look forward to inviting you to a large pool of exciting panels, keynotes, seminars, speed meetings, and other networking activities where current topics in the music industry will be the focus.
For this year’s SPOT+, the list of topics includes streaming, AI, mental health in the music industry, music export, synchronization of music, music publishing, the live scene in Denmark, and much more. All of this will be presented and discussed by knowledgeable and competent individuals from both national and international perspectives. Several panels and seminars are being produced in close collaboration with numerous organizations and companies in the industry, including Koda, DPA, Music Publishers in Denmark, Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music, and AUTOR.
The first four speed meeting sessions are also confirmed, featuring experienced and well-established professionals from various aspects of the music world. The interest in meeting talents and potential collaborators is always significant, and in recent years, speed meetings have led to new deals. Therefore, it is a pleasure to once again present this unique networking opportunity, which this year includes the four titles ‘Meet The Music Biz,’ ‘Meet The Music Publishers,’ ‘Meet The Venues & Festivals,’ and ‘Meet The Music Supervisors.’ Registration for this year’s speed meetings opens on February 8th.
There is a lot to look forward to when we gather for SPOT+ on May 3-4, 2024, and we are excited to unfold all the elements for you over the coming months.
You can get your ticket for SPOT+ 2024 here
Der arbejdes allerede på højtryk på programmet til SPOT+ 2024, og vi glæder os til at invitere til en stor pulje af spændende paneldebatter, keynotes, seminarer, speed meetings og andre netværksaktiviteter, hvor musikbranchens aktuelle temaer er i fokus.
Til årets SPOT+ består emnelisten bl.a. af streaming, AI, mentalt helbred i musikbranchen, musikeksport, synkronisering af musik, music publishing, livescenen i Danmark og meget mere. Det hele præsenteres og diskuteres af kloge og kompetente folk fra både ind- og udland, og flere oplæg og seminarer produceres i tæt samarbejde med en række af branchens mange organisationer og virksomheder bl.a. Koda, DPA, Musikforlæggerne i Danmark, Musiklivets Partnerskab for Bæredygtig Udvikling og AUTOR.
De første fire speed meeting-sessions er også på plads, og her har vi samlet en masse erfarne og veletablerede branchefolk, der beskæftiger sig med forskellige dele af musikkens verden. Interessen for at møde talenter og potentielle samarbejdspartnere er altid stor, og de seneste års speed meetings har også ført til aftaler. Derfor er det en fornøjelse igen at kunne præsentere denne unikke netværksmulighed, som I år har de fire titler ‘Meet The Music Biz’, ‘Meet The Music Publishers’, ‘Meet The Venues & Festivals’ og ‘ Meet The Music Supervisors’
Tilmeldingen til årets speed meetings åbner 8. februar.
Du kan købe din billet til SPOT+ her
Der er altså masser af se frem til, når vi mødes til SPOT+ 3.-4. maj 2024, og vi glæder os til at folde alle elementerne ud for jer over de kommende måneder.