Name: Alex Schuster
Title: Head of Label and A&R
Based in: Regensburg
Can you tell us a bit about the company’s history and its roster?
Founded in 2020 as a local promoter developed as a label & booking agency over the past three years. We work with different german mostly indie bands.
Iuna Lux (label / booking)
The Komets (label / booking)
Tilman (booking)
BEACHPEOPLE (label / booking)
LOKI (label)
Byrd Dhillon (booking)
LNA (Elena Steri) (booking)
Aze (DE-booking)
Get Jealous (label)
And can you tell us a bit about the acts you personally work with at this moment?
Right now I’m working on an album Campagne with the riot punk band Get Jealous. The first single will be released on April 28th, so a week before SPOT Festival. The songs tell everyday stories from the dating life of a trans person. The album will be released in October. Until then they will be playing on different Support Shows, Festivals and Showcases.
The second project is the indie band LOKI. We are working on an EP that will be released in October as well. Nostalgic Coming of Age and a lot of Heartbreak, they process many emotions in their upcoming songs.
What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music?
Standing on different stages as a kid.
Which acts are you looking forward to seeing this year at SPOT?
Hannes, Dottie Andersson, Get Jealous
Best show you’ve ever seen hands down?
Bilderbuch @ PULS Open Air 2017