Behind the name Zoumer is singer and producer Yasmina Derradj (DK/DZ), whose neon-green musical universe oscillates between energetic alternative pop filtered through punk, breakbeats, and the Algerian protest genre raï.
Zoumer is a playful exploration of freedom and self-expression, where not fitting in is transmuted into total liberation. The alias Zoumer originates from (and pays homage to) the freedom fighter Lalla Fatma N’Soumer, who led battles against French colonial forces in Algeria during the 19th century.
In just a year and a half, Zoumer has performed at major festivals across Denmark, including Roskilde Festival in 2024, earning praise from outlets such as GAFFA, Politiken, Undertoner, and Passive//Aggressive for her playful and high-energy live shows and her debut album, ‘Green World’.
She is currently working on her second album, ‘Euro Arab Lovergirl’, set for release in fall 2025, as well as the DJ duo Zoumer & Debbie Clubs with her creative partner Debbie Sings.