USERS is an emerging post-punk band that has quickly sent shockwaves through the Danish music scene. Rooted in socially critical activism, the fight for a new society is manifested through noisy riffs, aggressive vocals and thought-provoking lyrics. The music is a wake-up call you can dance to, and there will be plenty of opportunity to do so as USERS present hope among frustrations at a fast pace. Despite the band's short lifespan, they have unequivocally proven, through their uncompromising, explosive, and sharp live shows, that they fill a void in the music scene.
Presented by HeadQuarters
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USERS er et fremadstormende post-punk band, der hurtigt har sendt trykbølger gennem den danske musikscene. Med rødder i samfundskritisk aktivisme manifesteres kampen for et nyt samfund gennem støjende riffs, aggressiv vokal og tankevækkende tekster.
Musikken er et wake-up call, du kan danse til, og det bliver der rig mulighed for når USERS præsenterer håb blandt frustrationer i et højt tempo. Trods bandet kun har eksisteret i ét år, har de med deres kompromisløse, eksplosive og skarpe liveshows i dén grad bevist, at de udfylder et tomrum på den danske musikscene.
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