Autumn is upon us, and we are now only six months away from meeting at SPOT+ 2025 May 1st-3rd where we will talk about music, network with each other and gain new knowledge about the music industry. The wheels are already in motion, and the first outlines of next year’s program are beginning to take shape.
As always, we wish to be in close dialogue with the industry, organizations, associations, and the many branches in the music community to ensure that SPOT+ content is as relevant as possible for the music scene and music industry. Therefore, we are now inviting you to submit your ideas and proposals for the many panel discussions and networking activities that will make up the SPOT+ 2025 program.
The thematic headlines for SPOT+ 2025 are Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Inclusion & Internationalization. Based on these, we will focus on specific industry-related topics, such as Tech & AI, streaming, music publishing & sync, representation & well-being, networking events, the live scene, music export, and music policy initiatives.
If you or someone in your network has a good idea for a topic or area to cover at SPOT+ 2025, please submit it via the form here
SPOT+ is the annual music industry conference held in Aarhus during SPOT Festival. The conference presents a range of panel discussions, presentations, networking events, and other activities focused on current industry themes. SPOT+ also serves as an essential networking platform, where Danish and international musicians, composers, and industry professionals can connect.
SPOT+ is produced by Promus in collaboration with SPOT Festival, with support from organizations like Koda Kultur, the Danish Arts Foundation, DPA & the Danish Music Publishers Association.
Photo: Line Svindt
Efteråret er over os, og der er kun seks måneder til, at vi igen skal mødes til musik, networking og ny viden til SPOT+ 1.-3. maj 2025 i Aarhus. Derfor er der også sat gang i tandhjulene, og de første streger for næste års program er begyndt at tage form.
Vi vil som altid gerne være i tæt dialog med både branche, organisationer, foreninger og musikmiljøets mange aktører, så vi kan sikre, at indholdet på SPOT+ er så relevant som muligt for musiklivet og musikbranchen. Derfor åbner vi nu op for at man kan indsende idéer og forslag til de mange paneldebatter og netværksaktiviteter, der kommer til at udgøre SPOT+ programmet 2025.
De tematiske overskrifter for SPOT+ 2025 er Vidensdeling, Netværk, Inklusion & Internationalisering, og ud fra disse vil vi lave en række nedslag i specifikke brancherelaterede emner som eksempelvis Tech & AI, streaming, music publishing & sync, repræsentation & trivsel, netværksmøder, livescenen, musikeksport og musikpolitiske tiltag.
Sidder du eller en i dit bagland med en god idé til et emne eller område, der skal dækkes til SPOT+ 2025, så kan input sendes til os via. formularen her
SPOT+ er konferencen for og om musikbranchen, som afholdes hvert år i Aarhus under SPOT Festival. Konferencen præsenterer en lang række paneldebatter, præsentationer, netværksmøder og andre aktiviteter med fokus på aktuelle temaer i branchen. SPOT+ er samtidig en vigtig netværksplatform, hvor danske og internationale musikere, komponister og brancheaktører kan møde hinanden.
SPOT+ produceres af Promus i samarbejde med SPOT Festival med støtte fra bl.a. Koda Kultur, Statens Kunstfond, DPA & Musikforlæggerne i Danmark.
Foto: Line Svindt