Over the past 10 years, SPOT+ has had a very strong focus on the area of sync – more precisely the connection between audio and visuals. An area that is of great priority for many Danish music industry players, composers, and songwriters and that is why you’ll also be able to find the subject of sync on the programme this year again. In addition to our traditional large music supervisors speed meeting, we are once again hosting our Let’s Talk Sync seminar, taking place on Saturday, May 4th.
Here, we focus on ‘Music for Films & TV: How to Get the Right Tone for the Right Show’ – a discussion about the work of film, TV, and music from the perspective of composers and music supervisors; meet Nikko Wiedemann, the man behind the fantastic ‘Zu Asche, Zu Staub’ from ‘Babylon Berlin’, Halfdan E. known for his work on the EMMY-winning series ‘Borgen’ among others, Daniel Nielsen, a Hollywood composer who has composed trailers for ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’, and music supervisor, Connie Farr. Also, meet the Norwegian music supervisor, Goran Obad, who in the case story ‘Artists Scorified – music artists and films’, tells about the collaboration with Alex Vargas for the film ‘Vejen Hjem’.
Mathias Zdziemborski and Sofie Dalgaard from DR will provide insight into how Danmarks Radio works with music on all their many platforms, and then we will conclude with results from the Europe in Sync-workshop, under the title ‘Music in Advertising’, before for the 4th year in a row, handing over the stage to a selection of composers who will have the opportunity to present themselves to the music supervisor team at Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors.
SPOT+ har igennem de sidste 10 år haft et stærkt fokus på hele sync-området – nærmere bestemt koblingen mellem lyd og billeder. Et område der har en stor prioritet for en lang danske musikbrancheaktører, komponister og sangskrivere, og derfor er temaet naturligvis også at finde på programmet for 2024. Udover vores traditionelle store Music Supervisors Speed Meeting, blænder vi også igen op for vores Let’s Talk Sync-seminar, der finder sted lørdag d. 4. maj.
Her sætter vi fokus på ‘Music for Films & TV: How to Get the Right Tone for the Right Show’ – en snak om arbejdet med film, TV og musik set fra komponisternes og music supervisornes side; mød Nikko Wiedemann, manden bag den fantastiske, ‘Zu Asche, Zu Staub’ fra ‘Babylon Berlin’, Halfdan E. der er kendt for sit arbejde for den EMMY-vindende serie, ‘Borgen’ a.o., Daniel Nielsen, Hollywood-komponist der har komponeret trailers til ‘Harry Potter’-filmene og ‘Ringenes Herre’, samt music supervisor, Connie Farr. Mød også den norske music supervisor, Goran Obad, der i case-beretningen ‘Artists Scorified – music artists and films’, fortæller om samarbejdet med Alex Vargas til filmen ‘Vejen Hjem’.
Mathias Zdziemborski og Sofie Dalgaard fra DR, vil give et indblik i hvordan Danmarks Radio arbejder med musik på alle deres mange platforme, og så runder vi af med resultater fra Europe in Sync-workshoppen, under titlen ‘Music in Advertising’, inden vi for 4. år i træk overlader scenen en række udvalgte komponister, der får mulighed for at præsentere sig overfor music supervisor-holdet til Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors.