Europe in Sync is back at SPOT+. Once again we can look forward to a day-long session where professionals from the music business and the Danish advertising sector are brought together to learn about the respective “other side”. Advertising Experts will present insights to their work. The workshop shall enable the participants to truly understand all aspects of the process of how music gets into the picture.
The Workshop will consist of:
• The Music Side & The Client Side: Structures and Processes
– Rights Owners (Publishers, Labels)
– Agencies, Clients, Production Companies
– Mutual understanding and communication
• The way of music into a commercial: creation and decisions, opinions and input, the budgets and the licensing.
• Supervisors/music agents: the in-betweens
• The ideal synch landscapes
The Europe in Synch Workshop will be a closed session with limited number of participants from the music side as well as advertising professionals. Synch experience and active participation required.
The target group for this workshop is music business and advertising professionals. Synch-experience and active participation required.
Participation: only by approved application
In your short application, please state:
• Name, company, job, nationality
• Synch-experience in advertising
• Workshop-related topics/questions you would like to have addressed
The Europe in Synch Academy must reserve the right to select from applications and the selected participants must purchase access to SPOT+
Europa i Synch er tilbage på SPOT+. Endnu engang kan vi se frem til en heldags-session, hvor fagfolk fra musikbranchen og den danske reklamesektor bringes sammen for at lære om den respektive “anden side”. Blandt andet vil reklameeksperterne give et grundigt indblik i deres arbejde. Workshoppen skal gøre deltagerne i stand til virkelig at forstå alle aspekter af processen, hvor musik kommer ind i billedet.
Workshoppen vil bestå af:
• Musik-siden & Klient-siden: Strukturer og processer
- Rettighedsejere (Forlag, Pladeselskaber)
- Bureauer, Klienter, Produktionsvirksomheder
- Gensidig forståelse og kommunikation
• Vejen for musik ind i en reklame: skabelse og beslutninger, meninger og input, budgetter og licensering.
• Supervisorer/musikagenter: mellemmændene
• De ideelle synkroniseringslandskaber
Dette vil være en lukket session med et begrænset antal deltagere fra musikbranchen samt reklameprofessionelle. Erfaring med synkronisering og aktiv deltagelse er påkrævet.
Målgruppen for denne workshop er fagfolk inden for musikbranchen og reklame. Erfaring med sync og aktiv deltagelse er påkrævet.
Deltagelse: Kun ved godkendt ansøgning
I din korte ansøgning, bedes du oplyse:
• Navn, firma, job, nationalitet
• Erfaring med synkronisering i reklame
• Workshop-relaterede emner/spørgsmål, du gerne vil have behandlet
Europa i Synch Academy forbeholder sig retten til at vælge mellem ansøgningerne, og de udvalgte deltagere skal købe adgang til SPOT+.