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SPOT is looking for a new board member // SPOT søger nyt bestyrelsesmedlem

Do you want to leave your mark on the future of the Danish and Nordic music scene? SPOT Festival is looking for a new board …

An Early Christmas Present – The First Nine Acts for SPOT 2025 Are Ready // En tidlig julegave – de første ni navne til SPOT 2025 er landet

A SPOT lineup is always a vibrant musical mix of the finest caliber, offering you the chance to discover a new favorite or ten, no …

The ticket sale has begun – SPOT 2025 is waiting for you

Music lovers, rejoice – ticket sales for SPOT Festival 2025 are now officially open! SPOT Festival offers a unique opportunity to experience the stars of …

Open Call for SPOT+ 2025

Autumn is upon us, and we are now only six months away from meeting at SPOT+ 2025 May 1st-3rd where we will talk about music, …

SPOT 2025: Thank you for you applications // Tak for jeres ansøgninger

The application round for SPOT 2025 is officially closed! Our application system is overflowing with music, and we’re absolutely thrilled about how many of you …

Apply for SPOT 2025 // Ansøg til SPOT 2024

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—and no, we’re not talking about the Christmas season, even though stores are already trying to convince us …

Folk Spot Denmark 2024: Wuthering, Musical Heights // Stormfulde, musikalske højder

As late summer fills the air, it is time to roll the Folk Spot caravan toward Southern Jutland to take part in Tønder Festival, which …

Udenfor Sæsonen 2024

Just as most people can remember where they were when Armstrong took his first steps on the moon, many of us can remember where we …

UMTO goes national: UngeMiljøernes TakeOver modtager millionstøtte fra Tuborgfondet

Based on UMTO’s work over the past few years, the youth community has just been granted 3.3 million from Tuborgfondet to further develop their efforts. …

Chairman of DMF: “We need more musicians who don’t look like me” // Forperson for DMF: “Vi skal have flere musikere, der ikke ligner mig”

How do we make room for more people on the music scene? And how do we ensure that all newcomers don’t just become more white …

Industry Professionals request guidelines for AI usage // Branchefolk efterspørger retningslinjer for brug af AI

The discussion about AI in the music industry is here to stay. Various stakeholders highlight numerous concerns, but also countless possibilities if the technology is …

SPOT+ Focuses on Increasing Diversity in the Live Music Sector // SPOT+ satte fokus på, hvordan livesektoren bliver mere divers

The rows of seats were well-filled when SPOT+ held the panel discussion “Restage: Talent Development in the Live Sector” on May 4th. The large audience …

AMA at SPOT+ 2024: Director and Booker Demystify Processes Behind SPOT // Direktør og booker afmystificerer processer bag SPOT

Myths and mystique surrounding the music industry can create confusion, and to clarify some of it, this year’s SPOT+ program featured the concept, Ask Me …

MentalVoice aims to strengthen well-being in the music industry: “Break through without Burning Out” // MentalVoice vil styrke trivslen i musikbranchen: “Brænd igennem uden at brænde ud”

One of the hottest topics in the Danish music industry right now is mental health. At SPOT+ 2024, the issue was brought into the spotlight …

Listeners want local music which follow global trends // Lyttere vil have lokal musik, som følger globale trends

Will Page, former chief economist at Spotify and PRS for Music, focused on the concept of “the tongue twisting hybrid between globalization and localization” during …

Managers call out: “It would be nice to see a movie where a musician has a good manager” // Managere i opråb: “Det kunne være rart engang at se en film, hvor en musiker har en god manager”

Is it unhealthy to be a manager? And do managers actually get the recognition they deserve? That was one of the big questions at one …

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