The lineup of the year will expand more and more over the next couple of months, and we are incredibly excited to send even more exciting acts your way. So that we can truly kickstart the joy of anticipation, we have gathered a total of 20 new, fantastic SPOT 2024 names for you to get to know before we meet on May 3rd-4th!

Bette, Betty Bass, Dos Santos, Ella Augusta, Elsked, GRETA, Gugusar (IS), IDA KUDO, ILMA, KEDDE, Kundo, Maline, MILEZ, Misty Coast (NO), Moyka (NO), Nana Rashid, Neon Priest, Sofie1998, SYL, and Uden Ord.

In summary, we’re talking about hip-hop from Vejle, dream pop from Norway, punk with a Finnish peppermint liqueur twist, curious R’n’B layers, warm soul tones, internet addiction, samba, raved electro-pop universes, pirate radio, Icelandic figure skating choreography, strong vocals, a return to Jupiter, challenging family relationships, bitter love experiences, multinational rap, artistic synth sequences, melancholy from the nighttime hours, escapism, club euphoria, everyday ironic absurdities, and soft words. Overall, it’s a huge musical mishmash of familiar names with brand new material and entirely new acts with music you didn’t know you were missing in your life – but you undoubtedly are.

Explore this year’s lineup here

You can look forward to experiencing the music, and we’ll look forward to seeing you at SPOT 2024!

Årets lineup kommer til at udvide sig mere og mere over de næste par måneder, og vi ser usigeligt meget frem til at sende endnu flere spændende acts i jeres retning. Og så vi for alvor kan begynde at kickstarte forventningens glæde, har vi samlet hele 20 nye, fantastiske SPOT 2024-navne til jer, som I kan lære bedre at kende inden vi ses 3.-4. maj.

Bette, Betty Bass, Dos Santos, Ella Augusta, Elsked, GRETA, Gugusar (IS), IDA KUDO, ILMA, KEDDE, Kundo, Maline, MILEZ, Misty Coast (NO), Moyka (NO), Nana Rashid, Neon Priest, Sofie1998, SYL og Uden Ord

Samlet set snakker vi hiphop fra Vejle, dreampop fra Norge, punk på finsk pebermyntelikør, nysgerrige R’n’B-flader, varme soul-toner, internetafhængighed, samba, ravede electro-pop universer, piratradio, islandsk kunstskøjte-koreografi, stærke vokaler, hjemkomst til Jupiter, svære familieforhold, bitre kærlighedserfaringer, multinational rap, kunstneriske synth-sekvenser, melankoli fra nattetimerne, eskapisme, klub-eufori, hverdagens ironiske absurditeter og bløde ord. Alt i alt et kæmpe musikalsk sammensurium af velkendte navne med helt nyt materiale, og helt nye acts med musik, du ikke vidste, du manglede i dit liv – men det gør du uden tvivl.

Udforsk årets lineup her