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White Dwarf – Maya Westman Memorial Concert

Listen to White Dwarf – Maya Westman Memorial Concert’s music
Rytmisk Sal, Musikhuset Get direction

In 2019, singer and songwriter Maya Westman left this world after a prolonged battle with cancer, at the young age of just 34. Prior to her departure, she managed to record the sessions for the album 'White Dwarf,' which was subsequently completed following the instructions she had left behind. The album was posthumously released in October 2023. It is a creation of an uncompromising artist who, through her whimsical lyrical universe and detailed compositions, presents stories of being a stubborn wingman, a darkly humorous nostalgic trip to a bygone era, strong portrayals of women, and, notably, her journey through illness. A beautiful and deeply personal album, with grand gestures that pay homage to icons like Bowie and Lennox.

A group of prominent singers, who’s also close friends, and colleagues of Maya Westman have come together to bring her songs to life on the live stage, an opportunity she did not have herself. With a solid band comprised of musicians from Westman's band, they will interpret the songs from 'White Dwarf' into a unique concert experience during SPOT 2024.

The soloists include Nanna Schannong (Lowly), Stine Grøn (IRAH), Bess Barkholt (BESS), Terkel Atsushi Røjle (Atusji), Mathias Bertelsen (The Entrepreneurs), Tania Ballentine (LadyJerk), Lo Ersare (Lucky Lo), Greta Schenk (GRETA), Kaspar Vig, and Camilla Munck.

The band consists of Greta Schenk (GRETA), Gertrud Hjelm Kongshøj, Ida Urd Bramming (Lucky Lo, Swan Lee, among others), Jonas Wetterslev (The Entrepreneurs, among others), Rasmus Oppenhagen Krogh (Takykardia, Guldimund, among others).

I 2019 forlod sanger og sangskriver Maya Westman denne verden efter et længere kræftforløb, i en alder af blot 34 a°r. Inden da, na°ede hun at lave indspilningerne til albummet ‘White Dwarf’, der efterfølgende blev produceret færdigt efter de instrukser som Westman havde na°et at efterlade sig. Albummet udkom posthumt i oktober 2023. Værket er lavet af en kompromisløs kunstner, der i sit finurlige tekstunivers og med detaljerige kompositioner, præsenterer os for historier om at være en stædig wingman, et sorthumoristisk nostalgitrip til en svunden tid, stærke kvindeskildringer og ikke mindst om det sygdomsforløb hun gennemgik. Et smukt og dybt personligt album, med store armbevægelser, der sender kærlige nik til ikoner som Bowie og Lennox.

En gruppe af landets markante sangere, gode venner og kollegaer til Maya Westman, er ga°et sammen om at give hendes sange det liv pa° livescenen, som hun ikke selv fik muligheden for. Med et fast husorkester, med afsæt i musikere fra Westmans band, vil de fortolke sangene fra ‘White Dwarf’, til en enesta°ende koncertoplevelse under SPOT 2024.

Solisterne er Nanna Schannong (Lowly), Stine Grøn (IRAH), Bess Barkholt (BESS), Terkel Atsushi Røjle (Atusji), Mathias Bertelsen (The Entrepreneurs), Tania Ballentine (LadyJerk), Lo Ersare (Lucky Lo), Greta Schenk (GRETA), Kaspar Vig og Camilla Munck.

Bandet besta°r af Greta Schenk (GRETA), Gertrud Hjelm Kongshøj, Ida Urd Bramming (Lucky Lo, Swan Lee m.fl.), Jonas Wetterslev (The Entrepreneurs m.fl.), Rasmus Oppenhagen Krogh (Takykardia, Guldimund m.fl.).

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