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The Three Body Problem (DK)

Presented by UMTO - UngeMiljøernes TakeOver

Ridehuset Get direction

The Three Body Problem opens up for strange sensations and is with its cinematic point of departure both grand and minimalistic. The mix between the synthesizer’s futuristic sounds and the tactile melodies of the brass instruments symbolize the dichotomy between nature and culture. In our fast paced world nature is a generous source of calm, while at the same time reminding us of the meaning behind the changes we can see happening around us.

The Three Body Problem åbner op for sælsomme fornemmelser og er med sit filmiske udgangspunkt storslået og minimalistisk. Mixet mellem synthesizerens futuristiske lyde og blæsernes taktile melodier symboliserer modsætningen mellem kultur og natur. I vores hektiske verden er naturen en generøs kilde til ro, men samtidig en påmindelse om betydningen af de forandringer, vi ser ske omkring os.

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