Rune Rask is one of Denmark's most established, respected, and award-winning producers. Besides those accolades, he is also the mind and heart behind the musical brilliance that forms the framework for one of the country's largest hip-hop acts. In 2021, Rune Rask made his debut in his own name for the first time with the instrumental concept album, 'Rune Rask,' followed by the release of 'Face Yourself' in 2023. Rune Rask's solo project is driven by the desire to invite the listener into his unstoppable musical output. He opens up an exotic jungle of sounds—captivating and imaginative, but above all, with room for the audiences.
Rune Rask (DK)
Volume Village
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Rune Rask er en af Danmarks mest etablerede, respekterede og prisvindende producere. Og så er han ikke mindst hjernen og hjertet bag de musikalske genialiteter, der danner rammerne for et af landets største hiphop. I 2021 debuterede Rune Rask, for første gang, i eget navn med det instrumentale konceptalbum, ’Rune Rask’, som blev fulgt op med udgivelsen ‘Face Yourself’ i 2023. Rune Rasks soloprojekt er båret af lysten til at invitere lytteren indenfor i sit ustoppelige, musikalske output. Han åbner for en eksotisk jungle af lyde - dragende og fantasifuldt, men først og fremmest med plads til modtageren.
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