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Rayne Waters (DK)

Presented by The Royal Academy of Music

Klubscenen, Musikhuset Get direction

A static collision ensues when the Aarhus-based underground duo Rayne Waters takes the stage, showering the audience with melancholic drops of Danish-language poetry, while noisy rock surfaces and hard-hitting beats hit your chest like lightning. Niklas Runge generously shares his sharply captivating vocals, enveloped in heavy bass lines and trembling synth landscapes crafted by Daniel Larsen.

Presented by The Royal Academy of Music

Der opstår et statisk sammenstød, når den aarhusianske undergrundsduo Rayne Waters indtager en scene og overøser publikum med vemodige dråber af dansksproget poesi, imens støjende rockflader og hårdtslående beats rammer dit bryst som lynnedslag. Niklas Runge deler generøst ud af sin skarpt dragende vokal, der pakkes ind i tunge basgange og sitrende synth landskaber af Daniel Larsen.

Præsenteres af Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium

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