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Lightchapter (DK)

Presented by Presented at SPOT Metal in collaboration with TRAIN

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Lightchapter plays what they call Electro Death Metal. They draw their inspiration from a myriad of unlikely sources, such as classic melodic death metal, the synthwave genre, and soundscapes from 80s sci-fi and action films. This results in a primal and angry yet sophisticated and grandiose sound from the four-man Aarhus-based band, who found their final form and style during the pandemic.

Their debut album ‘TIME TO OBEY’ was recorded in 2023 and has garnered Lightchapter over 280.000 streams on Spotify and presence on several playlists on leading streaming services.

With a captivating and energetic stage show, Lightchapter invites the audience on a journey into their unique and otherworldly sci-fi metal universe.

Lightchapter spiller det, de selv kalder Electro Death Metal. De henter deres inspiration fra  et utal af umage steder, som den klassiske melo-death metal, synth wave genren og soundscapes fra 80’ernes sci-fi- og actionfilm.  Det resulterer i en både primal og vred, men også sofistikeret og storladen lyd fra det fire mand høje aarhusianske band, der fandt sin endelige form og stil under pandemien. 

Debutpladen ‘TIME TO OBEY’ blev indspillet i 2023 og har sikret Lightchapter mere end 280.000 afspilninger på Spotify og tilstedeværelsen på flere playlister på de toneangivende streamingtjenester. 

Med et medrivende og energisk sceneshow inviterer Lightchapter publikum med på en rejse ind i deres nærværende og anderledes sci-fi metal univers.

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