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Brimheim (DK)

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She is one of the most prominent shooting stars on the alternative pop and rock scene - in Denmark and internationally. Under the artist name Brimheim - which in Faroese means "home of the breaking waves" - Danish/Faroese Helena Rebensdorff has quickly established herself as an inevitable and influential black diamond.

Forever boundary-pushing and impossible to pigeonhole. That's how Brimheim explores and exposes the most intimate corners and unforgiving depths of the mind. The vulnerable and heart-wrenching, the brutal and grandiose.

Since the EP ‘Myself Misspelled (2020) and especially the debut album ‘Can't Hate Myself Into A Different Shape’ (2022), Brimheim has garnered a sea of ??acclaim among critics both at home and internationally. Most recently, the single ‘Brand New Woman’ (feat. eee gee) has only proven Brimheim's simultaneously grand, international, and captivating sound even more.

Hun er et af tidens mest markante stjerneskud på den alternative pop- og rockscene – både i Danmark og internationalt. Under kunstnernavnet Brimheim - der på færøsk betyder “de brydende bølgers hjem” - har dansk/færøske Helena Rebensdorff på rekordtid etableret sig som en uundgåelig og toneangivende sort diamant.

Evigt grænsesøgende og umulig at sætte i bås. Sådan udforsker og udleverer Brimheim sindets mest intime afkroge og uforsonlige dybder. Det er sårbart og hjerteskærende, brutalt og storladent. 

Siden EP’en ‘Myself Misspelled’ (2020) og ikke mindst debutalbummet ‘Can't Hate Myself Into A Different Shape’ (2022), har Brimheim høstet et hav af lovprisninger blandt kritikere herhjemme såvel som internationalt. Senest har singlen ‘Brand New Woman’ (feat. eee gee) sat en tyk streg under Brimheims på en gang store, internationale og fængslende lyd.

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