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Antistatic (DK)

Presented by Sun Ship & JazzDanmark

Listen to Antistatic’s music

Antistatic play a trance-inducing fusion of minimalism, ambient music and heavy metal. Following the EP ‘Drop Dive Breach’, Antistatic released their first full length album ‘RELICS’ through the renowned US label Cuneiform Records early 2024. Within the album, Antistatic investigate rhythm, patience and musical hierarchies with equal amounts of curiosity and intent. The instrumental music of Antistatic redefines traditional band concepts by employing guitars as percussion instruments and allowing the drums to sing in feedbacking disharmony. The four musicians reclaim the repetitive work usually given over to machines, using this work as a calibration of the mind. The use of repetition allows the listeners and the players to immerse themselves fully into the depths of the rhythms.

Antistatic spiller en trance-fremkaldende fusion af minimalisme, ambient og heavy metal. Efter EP’en ‘Drop Dive Breach’ udgav Antistatic deres første fuldlængde album ‘RELICS’ på det amerikanske label Cuneiform Records i starten af 2024. På albummet udforsker bandet rytmer, tålmod og musikalske hierarkier med lige dele nysgerrighed og hensigt. Antistatics instrumentale musik redefinerer traditionelle band koncepter ved at bruge guitarer og percussion-instrumenter og ved at lade trommerne synge i disharmonisk feedback. De fire musikere generobrer det repetitive arbejde, der som regel overlades til maskiner, og bruger det til at afstemme sindet. Brugen af gentagelser tillader lytterne og musikerne at synke helt ned i rytmernes dybde.

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