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AI and music one year later: What happened? And where are we at? (English)

Presented by Chris Cooke

Radisson Blu Room 3 Get direction

Chris Cooke launches a three-hour Let's Talk Music and AI with a fast-paced overview of what has happened in AI and music since last year's Spot, when generative AI was still entirely new to most. He will outline challenges with licensing, the uncompromising progress of tech companies, legislation trying to keep up, and the lawsuits piling up.

Chris will also look at the opportunities and challenges the established music industry is facing, who is fighting whom – and why. If you want to be brought completely up-to-date with generative AI in the music industry, Chris Cooke has a handle on the details like no other.

Chris Cooke has delved deeper into the music industry than most. For over 25 years, as a co-founder, editor, and journalist at the British music industry media CMU, Chris has covered the industry's transition to digital – and particularly the massive breakthrough of generative AI in the past year.

Presented by: Chris Cooke, co-Founder and MD/CMU (Complete Music Update)


This Keynote is a part of the seminar Let's Talk AI & Music, moderated by Marie Høst, Tech Journalist and podcast host on the AI podcast Blinde Vinkler, among others.

The keynote will be in English.

Presented by Koda, Autor, DPA, DKF, and The Danish Music Publishers Association in cooperation with Promus & SPOT+.

Chris Cooke skyder tre timers Let's Talk Music and AI i gang med en tempofyldt gennemgang af, hvad der er sket inden for AI og musik siden sidste års Spot, da generativ AI stadig var helt nyt for de fleste. Herunder vil han skitsere udfordringer med licensering, techvirksomhedernes kompromisløse fremfærd, lovgivningen, der prøver at følge med, og retssagerne, der hober sig op.

Chris vil også kigge på, hvilke muligheder og udfordringer den etablerede musikbranche kigger ind i, hvem der slås med hvem – og hvorfor. Vil du bringes helt up-to-date med generativ AI i musikbranchen, så har Chris Cooke om nogen styr på detaljerne.

Chris Cooke har fulgt musikbranchen mere indgående end de fleste. I over 25 år har Chris som medstifter, redaktør og journalist på det britiske musikbranche-medie CMU dækket branchens overgang til digital – og i det seneste år i særdeleshed generativ AI’s massive gennembrud.

Præsenteret af: Chris Cooke, medstifter og MD/CMU (Complete Music Update)


Denne keynote er en del af seminaret Let's Talk AI & Music, som modereres af Marie Høst, Techjournalist og podcastvært bl.a. på AI-podcasten Blinde Vinkler.

Keynoten foregår på engelsk.

Præsenteret af Koda, Autor, DPA, DKF og Musikforlæggerne i Danmark i samarbejde med Promus og SPOT+.

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